Thursday, May 12, 2011

Important News! The Owl is on the Move!

Hello little Owls! I have some very bittersweet news for y'all. The Elegant Owl will no longer exist after this post. Because of a new direction we're taking with SH Weddings, we decided to lump our wedding planning company and blog all under one name. That new name is Get Hitched Weddings.

But fear not! Just because the blog is getting a new name doesn't mean that it's disappearing completely. We've migrated all our posts over to the new blog, and will continue to update over there. We would love for you to join us!

We know we've taken a back seat when it comes to updating the blog. We didn't mean for that to happen, but with these exciting changed under way, we really want to dedicate all our time to creating a perfect brand that we were proud to stand by, which was pretty time-consuming. We love The Elegant Owl, but Get Hitched Weddings suits our brand much better, and we're thrilled to be almost complete with all these changes. Regular blog posts will be back as early as next week. Yay!

The new blog is up and running. If you're a fan of The Owl on Facebook or Twitter, we'd like to inform you that all Get Hitched blog posts will be updated on our new Facebook and Twitter pages. Please come play with us over there! Our Facebook page for our new wedding planning brand and blog will be all in one convenient location. Woo hoo! All links you will need are down below.

The Get Hitched Blog
Get Hitched Weddings on Facebook
Get Hitched Weddings on Twitter

You guys have no idea how much we appreciate your support! That's why we'll be so excited to see your friendly faces on our new sites and fan pages. We would also like to thank you for your patience. We're so excited to get back on track and sharing amazing wedding finds and inspiration with you all.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

