The Elegant Owl warmly welcomes submissions! Here's what you need to know if you're interested in having your photos featured on the blog.
Q. Do I need to be a professional photographer to submit photos?
A. No you do not! While we love to get weddings from photographers, we equally love receiving submissions from non-photographers.
Q. Do you only accept wedding submissions?
A. Absolutely not. We love to feature all kinds of different sessions, such as engagement, anniversary, bridal and day-after sessions. We even welcome product and editorial shoots! Just be sure that all product feature submissions are related to the wedding industry.
Q. How do I submit my photos?
A. If you're interested in having your photos featured on The Owl, we'd like that you first e-mail about 10-15 images (not larger than 700 pixels) that tell a complete story to For example, if you're submitting a wedding, we prefer to see portraits, candid photos, action photos and detail photos so that we can really see the entire picture. Upon receiving your photos, we'll carefully review them to see if they're a fit for the blog, and we'll contact you to possibly look at more photo options for a complete feature! Photographers can also send us an e-mail that points us to their blog entry for the photos they're looking to submit.
Q. Can I submit photos that have been featured on other blogs?
A. You can, but if the photos have been featured, we do ask that you tell us ahead of time. The Owl is dedicated to featuring content that's truly original, so we really try to find fresh weddings that haven't been published anywhere else. We do make exceptions, though!
Q. What will make my photos stand out?
A. The Owl really loves featuring weddings and other sessions that have a truly unique aesthetic. Weddings with lots of personal touches rock our socks, and we really love looking at a wedding story where we feel like we've gotten to know the couple after seeing the photos.
Q. What information should I include with my submission?
A. If you're a photographer, please be sure to include your website, and your blog (if you have one). Including the wedding or session venue, or general area, is a must. It's also helpful to let us know if you'll be able to give us more information about the other vendors that were associated with the wedding or session so that we can provide details to our readers (i.e. dress designer, florist, cake baker, event coordinator, etc.). We will also want to know if you'll be able to give us contact information for the bride and groom featured in the submission so that we can get their perspective as well.
If you're a non-photographer, be sure to include the photo credits, of course! Also, as above, be sure to include any information about the event vendors, and also some insight into the photos (i.e., if you're submitting a wedding, we would love to know your favorite element of the wedding, special DIY projects you were especially proud of, your favorite moment from the wedding, etc.).
Q. How long should I wait for a response?
A. Please give us about five to 10 days for us to review your photos. We try to respond to every submission, but if you don't hear from us within 10 days, please feel free to submit your photos to other blogs.